Average height in Germany and height distribution of German women and men

Before digging into the details of the height distribution, let’s get started with the numbers for the averages.

Average Height of Women and Men in Germany

The average height of women in Germany is 165.8 cm / 65.27 Inches.

The average height of men in Germany in 2021 is 178.9 cm / 70.43 Inches.

Height Distribution of Women and Men in Germany (in %)

How are the body heights of women and men in Germany distributed across different height intervals? Which height falls into the top 5% or top 10%?

To answer these questions, we received from the German Federal Statistical Office the raw data from the 2017 microcensus of the German population. With these, we could calculate the height distribution in % and as well the total number of adults per centimeter of body height. 

Anyone who wants to determine to the centimeter, how tall she or he is compared to the German population, can do so with this interactive calculator.

< 150 cm0.6%
150 – 159 cm16%0.4%
160 – 164 cm26%2%
165 – 169 cm29%7%
170 – 174 cm19%19%
175 – 179 cm8%25%
180 – 184 cm2%25%
185 – 189 cm0.2%14%
190 – 194 cm6%
> 195 cm2%

Height Distribution of Women in Germany (in %)

< 150 cm0.6%
150 – 159 cm16.0%
160 – 164 cm26.0%
165 – 169 cm28.9%
170 – 174 cm18.8%
175 – 179 cm7.5 %
180 – 185 cm2.0%
> 185 cm0.2%

Body Height of Women in Germany (in millions)

HeightWomen (in millions)
< 150 cm0.21
150 – 159 cm5.55
160 – 164 cm9.02
165 – 169 cm10.03
170 – 174 cm6.52
175 – 179 cm2.60
180 – 185 cm0.69
> 185 cm0.07

Height Distribution of Men in Germany (Share in %)

< 160 cm0.4%
160 – 164 cm2.0%
165 – 169 cm6.9%
170 – 174 cm19.2%
175 – 179 cm25.0%
180 – 184 cm24.8%
185 – 189 cm14.0%
190 – 194 cm6.1%
> 195 cm1.6%

Body Height of Men in Germany (in millions)

HeightMen (in millions)
< 160 cm0.13
160 – 164 cm0.67
165 – 169 cm2.32
170 – 174 cm6.45
175 – 179 cm8.39
180 – 184 cm8.33
185 – 189 cm4.70
190 – 194 cm2.04
> 195 cm0.54

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Methodology and data basis:

The distribution and the absolute figures on body heights are calculated based on the German Federal Statistical Office’s 2017 micro census data collection for „Body measurements of the population.“ 

The 16.4 million under 18 years old in 2017 are therefore not included, in the calculation of the absolute numbers per height interval.

The micro census of the Federal Statistical Office is an official representative household survey, with 1% of the population included.

It is a random sample in which all households have the same probability of selection, and various survey instruments are used. The focus is on personal interviews with all persons in the household by interviewers from the Land Statistical Offices. 

Household members also have the option of completing a questionnaire themselves (written survey). 

More about the micro census 2017

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